Marty Solomon
Marty Solomon has hosted 388 episodes.
Marty Solomon grew up in the Reformed tradition before attending Boise Bible College and getting his B.A. in Christian Ministries. In 2008 he studied in Israel with Ray Vander Laan and was challenged to grapple with his own Jewish heritage.
As he learned more about the wider conversation surrounding the Bible, especially through a Jewish context, he began to develop BEMA Discipleship as a way to share his experience with others. He found his way into Impact Campus Ministries, seeing college students as in the perfect stage of life to experiment with the methods he saw in Jesus. Marty began leading trips of his own to Israel and Turkey in 2014.
After a few iterations of his BEMA material, The BEMA Podcast was launched in 2016, making it accessible to a global audience. He and his wife, Becky, currently live in Cincinnati; they are committed to the work of ministry together and of raising their two kids, Abigail and Ezekiel.
Brent Billings
Brent Billings has hosted 441 episodes.
Brent Billings grew up in a nondenominational Christian church in Kansas and attended the associated Christian school for many years (with a few years of Catholicism mixed in). He moved to Idaho in 2000 and eventually found a new church, learning about the importance of community. Volunteering at church turned into a career of audio and video production, which ultimately led to a job at a church in Moscow, Idaho, in 2012.
After working with Marty Solomon to produce sermons, Brent started attending BEMA Discipleship classes in 2013. The Bible felt more exciting and alive than ever before, and Brent loved the open invitation to ask questions. He traveled to Israel and Turkey with Marty in 2016, and upon returning from this trip, they started The BEMA Podcast.
Brent was able to join the team at Impact Campus Ministries full-time in 2020. He and his wife, Maggi, have two sons, Darius and Torin.
Reed Dent
Reed Dent has hosted 42 episodes.
Reed grew up in Kansas City and graduated from Truman State University, where he now serves as the director of Campus Christian Fellowship. He and his wife, LeAnn, have three boys. He enjoys listening to records and watching the Chiefs, and he reads aloud to anyone who will listen.
Elle Grover Fricks
Elle Grover Fricks has hosted 52 episodes.
Elle Grover Fricks has a Master of Arts in the Bible & the Ancient Near East from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, undergraduate degrees in psychology and music from Washington State University, and spent four years in mental health as a state-certified behavioral therapist. She is the teaching pastor of Refuge Church in Pullman, WA, and lives on the Palouse with her husband and two kids.
Josh Bossé
Josh Bossé has hosted 31 episodes.
Josh Bossé is our virtual BEMA Campus Minister with Impact Campus Ministries. He is passionate about digging deep into the Text and finding practical, psychological, cultural, and mystical ways of weaving ourselves into God's story. He and his wife, Sophia, have established a home in Cincinnati with their son.