Contact Us
All messages will be received by a member of the BEMA team and forwarded to the proper destination. All messages are appreciated and read—we love our listeners! You should receive a response of some kind within a week that lets you know your message was sent successfully.
Most Bible questions will be funneled toward our monthly Live Q&A sessions that were designed for this very thing. Please check our news page for when the next Q&A will be. Another great way to address these questions is to join the BEMA Slack. It is a great space for discussion about Bible and podcast questions, and sometimes a good place to find people close to you.
For even more details about changes to our communication practices, watch Marty’s video and/or read Marty’s blog post. Please check our FAQ before contacting us, and be sure to double check the spelling of your email address. When you submit the form, you should immediately see “Thank you! Your message has been sent to The BEMA Podcast.” If you see a blank page, try again. Then if you don’t get an email confirmation of your submission within one week, get in touch with Brent on Twitter/X or Instagram so we can troubleshoot any issues.