Episode 232

Introducing the Team — Jephthah’s Daughter w/ Elle Grover Fricks


12 August 2021

41 mins 12 secs

Season 6

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Marty Solomon and Brent Billings are joined by their next new host, Elle Grover Fricks. Elle has undergraduate degrees in psychology and music from Washington State University, spent four years in mental health as a state-certified behavioral therapist, has a Master of Arts in the Bible & the Ancient Near East from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and is the pastor of Refuge Church in Pullman, Washington. They discuss her new role on the BEMA team, the different words for laws and rules in the Old Testament, Jephthah’s daughter and the subject of violence against women, and other random topics.

Learning Hebrew with Elle — Laws, Decrees, Commands, etc. (PDF)

Discussion Video for BEMA 232

Elle Singing at St. Anne’s in Jerusalem — YouTube

Refuge Church Pullman on YouTube

Elle’s Website

Transcript for BEMA 232

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